My girls are really inseparable. They sleep together, eat together, bathe together, play together, fight together, dance together, laugh & cry together, go to school together, and experience all life has to offer together. They are each others first best friends and their friendship, love, and sisterly ways is something I dream of them holding close to their hearts as they grow old together.
With the days of Baby Brother's arrival ticking by faster & faster, I am holding tight to these days with my big sister & little sister. I'm relishing in hearing their little giggles in the morning coming from their room as they wake each other up. I'm enjoying watching them dance holding hands and singing at the top of their lungs around the dining room most nights before they go to bed. And, I'm holding dear to my heart the moments, like the ones below, when I capture them sharing that sisterly bond that I'll never truly know!
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