Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hanging with the Littlest Littles

Hanging with the two littles is a rare and exciting occasion for all of us. You see, having three children all different ages and different places in their little lives creates many challenges in regards with spending enough "quality" time with each. The hubster and I try tirelessly to offer all three the one-on-one and group time they each deserve, however no matter who we snuggle, who we help, or who we talk to, someone else is feeling left out.

I'm sure the hubster and I are in for lifetime of learning how to manage our devotion to each one of our three evenly, however for now we seem to have found a groove that works nicely! It's days like this one, for example that we optimize our time with the two littlest of our pack by taking them to the Aquarium to explore and learn! It was a lovely morning filled with wild independence, vibrantly colored fish, feisty lorokets, and quality time with the two littlest littles!

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